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Batu Hiu is a Great Place for Relaxing

Pangandaran, Januari 4, 2015 - About 14 Km south of Pangandaran you will find a hill overlooking a beautiful beach below, that is strewn with many natural wave- breaking rocks. Among these rocks, there is one in particular that, strangely enough, has taken the shape of a Shark, and has, therefore, become an attraction of its own, locally named : Batu Hiu.  

Legend has it that in the 11th century, exiled troops from the Mataram Kingdom in Central Java, led by Aki Gede and Nini Gede arrived at this location. When they came to the coast, they decided to rest and camp near the hill. Aki and Nini Gede then ordered the troops to look for food. One of the soldiers called Ki Braja Lintang, decided to fish on the shore and caught a shark. When Aki and Nini Gede found out about this, they told him to release the fish back to the ocean. As they released it, the shark magically turned into a big black rock. This shark- shaped rock can still be seen today, distinguishable by its sharp fin shape, and which has given the place its popular name: Batu Hiu or Shark’s Rock.
Located at the Ciliang Village, in the Parigi District, Batu Hiu offers a spectacular view of the blue Indian Ocean. Above the dramatic hill you can watch great waves rolling down and crashing on the rocks making rumbling sounds. The place is decorated with many beautifulPandan Wong (a kind of palm) trees and is a perfect place to feel the soft wind blowing in your face. As the day ends, prepare yourself to watch the enchanting sunset on the horizon. If you bring a camera with you, don’t forget to capture this magical moment, or shoot the unique silhouetted images.

The main entrance to the area is a cave in the shape of a huge Shark’s head , so, that as one walks in,  it almost seems like entering a shark’s jaws with its many sharp teeth. As you come out the other end, you will find a beach where you can play or stroll.  There are also a number of caves in the area. Locals believe that one of these caves is connected to the town of Cirebon on  Java’s north coast.
Although the beach here is not fit for swimming, Batu Hiu is a great place for relaxing: a place where one can release all tensions of your everyday routine. If you happen to be around Pangandaran, Batu Hiu is surely something you should not miss.

There are many “warung” or food stalls on your way to and around Batu Hiu that sell various kinds of Sundanese traditional food and drinks. For a complete reference on Sundanese cuisine you can refer to our West Java Specialities. About to stay, there are many accommodations you can find around Pangandaran area, for a complete selection you can refer to To Stay in Pangandaran and find a hotel.
Batu Hiu is a great place for relaxing. A place where you can just sit around and watch the waves breaking on the rocks on shore as the sea breeze softly touches your face. Batu Hiu is also a perfect place for great photogenic andscapes, whether you are a professional photographer or a camera pocket traveler, the pictures you take in this place are surely worth the trip.

Turtle Rehabilitation in Batu Hiu
When we got to Batu Hiu we went in search of a little turtle rehabilitation centre that we had heard about. When we got there, it seemed like it was a little disappointing. Three tiled pools were in the back of a tiny dilapidated building and inside the pools floated some beautiful turtles. It looked like something set up as a cheap tourist gimmick, but as we all know, looks can be very deceiving. The program was actually very positive, they just don’t have the money to develop their site any further. The money goes to the turtles and their care. Although the water was pretty dirty – turtles poo a lot apparently, most of the turtles looked very well cared for.

There were two occupied pools one with big turtles at about 8 months old and the other with turtles that were only a couple of months. We were very lucky to be allowed to pick them up and stroke their soft skin and feel the weight that they acquire as they get bigger. Soon they would be released into the ocean at Batu Hiu beach, once they are strong enough to survive, and when the new batch of eggs hatch and room needs to be made for the babies to grow. God Bless....

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